DIOS MAMONE Vivimos en una época en que los adoradores de Mammon, el dios de la riqueza, están en todas las religiones y por fuera. En muchas iglesias cristianas, la apelación a convertir a la gente al cristianismo es precisamente la promesa de riqueza y la prosperidad económica. Ninguno de estos falsos predicadores hablan de la necesidad de la gente a estudiar y trabajar para ganar dinero honestamente, simplemente enseñar a la gente a donar dinero a la iglesia que el resto, Dios va a hacer por ellos. Estos pastores conocen sólo despertar la lujuria y no renunciar al mundo para Cristo. (Texto del escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes - Audio en español)
Hay un solo Dios, Yahveh, el Padre, el Creador, el Señor, pero durante su existencia la humanidad adoraba a muchos seres, imaginarios, demoniacos, y producto de su imaginación. Aquí, en este blog, yo cataloque estos "dioses falsos".
quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011
quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011
En los días de los primeros patriarcas, el padre era el sacerdote de toda la familia, y
este honor y responsabilidad de ejercer el sacerdocio comúnmente pasaba al hijo mayor a la muerte del padre. Esta práctica continuó hasta que la ley de Moisés transfirió si’ derecho a la tribu de Leví de cuya tribu salieron los sacerdotes para Israel como nación.
El Altar. La religión en los hogares de aquellos antiguos tiempos se centralizaba
grandemente en torno a un altar sobre el cual los animales sacrificados se ofrecían a Dios. Así cuando Abrahán llegó a la Tierra, levantó su tienda en la región de Bethel, la Escritura nos dice que "edificó allí altar a Jehová, e invocó el nombre de Jahveh" (Gen. 12:8) - Se dice que más tarde él mismo edificó un altar en Hebrón (Gen. 13 :18).
Asimismo dice que Jacob edificó un altar en Síchem (Gen. 33:18-20). Después, en obediencia al mandato de Dios, fue a Bethel, y como su abuelo, edificó un altar al Señor allí. Antes de hacer esto, dijo a su familia "Levantémonos, y subamos a Bethel; y haré allí altar a Dios que me respondió en el día de mi angustia, y ha sido conmigo en el camino que he andado. (Gen. 35:3). El altar en la vida del hogar en aquellos días antiguos ayudaba a producir el sentido de pecado, una realización de la autoridad de Dios, y un conocimiento de que el camino para acercarse a El era a través del
sacrificio. El altar era el precursor de la vida familiar de oración en un hogar cristiano actual, que se basa en el perdón del pecado a través de la sangre de Cristo, de quien el sacrificio de los animales era símbolo.
El Terafín. En la tierra de Babilonia de donde originalmente llegó Abrahán, había
adoración familiar a sus dioses, y el hogar su altar con figuras de arcilla de estos dioses, que se llamaban “terafin". Estos dioses familiares servían como ángeles guardianes en el hogar. A la muerte del padre, estos dioses del hogar, o terafín, siempre dejados al hijo mayor, en la inteligencia que los demás miembros de la familia tenían derecho de adorarlos.
Cuando Jacob dejó el hogar de Labán en Harán, nos dice el libro del Génesis, "Raquel
hurtó los ídolos (terafin) de su padre.. (Gen. 31:19). Labán estaba muy perturbado por este hurto, siguió a Jacob con todo lo que éste llevaba y le dijo, "¿Por que has hurtado mis dioses?" (Gen. 31:30). ¿Por qué Labán tenía interés en descubrir el terafín perdido?
Sir Charles Leonard Woolley, quien tuvo a su cargo las excavaciones en Ur de los Caldeos dice de un ladrillo de la región que revela una ley que arrojaba sobre el robo de Raquel. El Dr. Woolley dice que en la ley se afirma "La posesión de estos dioses del hogar confiere el privilegio de primogenitura".
Así Raquel debe haber hurtado el derecho de su hermano cuando se llevó el terafín de su padre, y buscaba por medio que Jacob fuera el heredero legal de la riqueza de Labán forma antigua de la idolatría estaba ligada vitalmente a los asuntos familiares. Parecería que Raquel se trajo aquel serafín hurtado cuando la familia estaba para movilizarse de Sichem a Bethel, entonces Jacob dijo a su familia: "Quitad los dioses ajenos que están entre vosotros, limpiaos y mudad vuestros vestidos" (Gen. 35
La presencia de estas reliquias de antaño indicaban un esfuerzo para combinar la
superstición y los maleficios paganos de una adoración idolátrica, con la adoración del Dios vivo y verdadero. El terafin apareció en distintas ocasiones en la historia postrera de Israel.
En los días de los primeros patriarcas, el padre era el sacerdote de toda la familia, y
este honor y responsabilidad de ejercer el sacerdocio comúnmente pasaba al hijo mayor a la muerte del padre. Esta práctica continuó hasta que la ley de Moisés transfirió si’ derecho a la tribu de Leví de cuya tribu salieron los sacerdotes para Israel como nación.
El Altar. La religión en los hogares de aquellos antiguos tiempos se centralizaba
grandemente en torno a un altar sobre el cual los animales sacrificados se ofrecían a Dios. Así cuando Abrahán llegó a la Tierra, levantó su tienda en la región de Bethel, la Escritura nos dice que "edificó allí altar a Jehová, e invocó el nombre de Jahveh" (Gen. 12:8) - Se dice que más tarde él mismo edificó un altar en Hebrón (Gen. 13 :18).
Asimismo dice que Jacob edificó un altar en Síchem (Gen. 33:18-20). Después, en obediencia al mandato de Dios, fue a Bethel, y como su abuelo, edificó un altar al Señor allí. Antes de hacer esto, dijo a su familia "Levantémonos, y subamos a Bethel; y haré allí altar a Dios que me respondió en el día de mi angustia, y ha sido conmigo en el camino que he andado. (Gen. 35:3). El altar en la vida del hogar en aquellos días antiguos ayudaba a producir el sentido de pecado, una realización de la autoridad de Dios, y un conocimiento de que el camino para acercarse a El era a través del
sacrificio. El altar era el precursor de la vida familiar de oración en un hogar cristiano actual, que se basa en el perdón del pecado a través de la sangre de Cristo, de quien el sacrificio de los animales era símbolo.
El Terafín. En la tierra de Babilonia de donde originalmente llegó Abrahán, había
adoración familiar a sus dioses, y el hogar su altar con figuras de arcilla de estos dioses, que se llamaban “terafin". Estos dioses familiares servían como ángeles guardianes en el hogar. A la muerte del padre, estos dioses del hogar, o terafín, siempre dejados al hijo mayor, en la inteligencia que los demás miembros de la familia tenían derecho de adorarlos.
Cuando Jacob dejó el hogar de Labán en Harán, nos dice el libro del Génesis, "Raquel
hurtó los ídolos (terafin) de su padre.. (Gen. 31:19). Labán estaba muy perturbado por este hurto, siguió a Jacob con todo lo que éste llevaba y le dijo, "¿Por que has hurtado mis dioses?" (Gen. 31:30). ¿Por qué Labán tenía interés en descubrir el terafín perdido?
Sir Charles Leonard Woolley, quien tuvo a su cargo las excavaciones en Ur de los Caldeos dice de un ladrillo de la región que revela una ley que arrojaba sobre el robo de Raquel. El Dr. Woolley dice que en la ley se afirma "La posesión de estos dioses del hogar confiere el privilegio de primogenitura".
Así Raquel debe haber hurtado el derecho de su hermano cuando se llevó el terafín de su padre, y buscaba por medio que Jacob fuera el heredero legal de la riqueza de Labán forma antigua de la idolatría estaba ligada vitalmente a los asuntos familiares. Parecería que Raquel se trajo aquel serafín hurtado cuando la familia estaba para movilizarse de Sichem a Bethel, entonces Jacob dijo a su familia: "Quitad los dioses ajenos que están entre vosotros, limpiaos y mudad vuestros vestidos" (Gen. 35
La presencia de estas reliquias de antaño indicaban un esfuerzo para combinar la
superstición y los maleficios paganos de una adoración idolátrica, con la adoración del Dios vivo y verdadero. El terafin apareció en distintas ocasiones en la historia postrera de Israel.
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
This site was created to mock the false gods, those are not god of truth. There is only one true God: Yahweh, the God of Israel, the others are human inventions and many manifestations of the demons of Satan. Here is a pantheon of idols dead and useless.
Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods. Zeus overthew his Father Cronus. He then drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Zeus won the draw and became the supreme ruler of the gods. He is lord of the sky, the rain god. His weapon is a thunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him. He is married to Hera but, is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.He was the rain god, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the terrible thunderbolt. His breastplate was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree the oak. He is represented as the god of justice and mercy, the protector of the weak, and the punisher of the wicked.

COMENTARY: In mythology we see traces of spiritual truths. Zeus is the Greek deity that most closely resembles the true and living God. Especially on the topic that represents him as the God of Justice and Mercy, because that is how the Bible presents God Yahweh.
COMENTARY: In mythology we see traces of spiritual truths. Zeus is the Greek deity that most closely resembles the true and living God. Especially on the topic that represents him as the God of Justice and Mercy, because that is how the Bible presents God Yahweh.
God of the sea, protector of all waters. Poseidon is the brother of Zeus. After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Hades, another brother, for shares of the world. His prize was to become lord of the sea. He was widely worshiped by seamen. He married Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan Oceanus.
At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. So to impress her Poseidon created the first horse. In some accounts his first attempts were unsucessful and created a varity of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had cooled.
His weapon is a trident, which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. He has a difficult quarrelsome personality. He was greedy. He had a series of disputes with other gods when he tried to take over their cities.

COMENTARY: In Greek mythology mixed in a mixture of human imagination, revelation of God, evil influences and folklore, subtract some truths. One is that Poseidon and was fascinated by the horse, it also shows why this animal is one of the most beloved and desired by man and horse biblical typology means POWER. In physics horse is also a symbol of power. Measure engine power in HP (HORSE POWER ).
God of the sea, protector of all waters. Poseidon is the brother of Zeus. After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Hades, another brother, for shares of the world. His prize was to become lord of the sea. He was widely worshiped by seamen. He married Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan Oceanus.
At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. So to impress her Poseidon created the first horse. In some accounts his first attempts were unsucessful and created a varity of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had cooled.
His weapon is a trident, which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. He has a difficult quarrelsome personality. He was greedy. He had a series of disputes with other gods when he tried to take over their cities.
COMENTARY: In Greek mythology mixed in a mixture of human imagination, revelation of God, evil influences and folklore, subtract some truths. One is that Poseidon and was fascinated by the horse, it also shows why this animal is one of the most beloved and desired by man and horse biblical typology means POWER. In physics horse is also a symbol of power. Measure engine power in HP (HORSE POWER ).
Hades is the brother of Zeus. After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Poseidon, another brother, for shares of the world. He had the worst draw and was made lord of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He is a greedy god who is greatly concerned with increasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase the number of dead are seen favorably. The Erinnyes are welcomed guests. He is exceedingly disinclined to allow any of his subjects leave.
He is also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth. He has a helmet that makes him invisable. He rarely leaves the underworld. He is unpitying and terrible, but not capricious. His wife is Persephone whom Hades abducted. He is the King of the dead but, death itself is another god, Thanatos.

COMENTARY: COMMENT: HADES is the Greek word translated in the Bible to HELL. Equivalent to the Hebrew word Sheol. This word also applies to the Greek god Hades, god of HELL. Hades is presented in the Bible as a place and not as a person or deity. I think there is the organization's spiritual leader Satan some demonic exercising the functions of Hades, that is, take care herding souls to hell.
Hades is the brother of Zeus. After the overthow of their Father Cronus he drew lots with Zeus and Poseidon, another brother, for shares of the world. He had the worst draw and was made lord of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He is a greedy god who is greatly concerned with increasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase the number of dead are seen favorably. The Erinnyes are welcomed guests. He is exceedingly disinclined to allow any of his subjects leave.
He is also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth. He has a helmet that makes him invisable. He rarely leaves the underworld. He is unpitying and terrible, but not capricious. His wife is Persephone whom Hades abducted. He is the King of the dead but, death itself is another god, Thanatos.
COMENTARY: COMMENT: HADES is the Greek word translated in the Bible to HELL. Equivalent to the Hebrew word Sheol. This word also applies to the Greek god Hades, god of HELL. Hades is presented in the Bible as a place and not as a person or deity. I think there is the organization's spiritual leader Satan some demonic exercising the functions of Hades, that is, take care herding souls to hell.
Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Athena is the daughter of Zeus. She sprang full grown in armour from his forehead, thus has no mother. She is fierce and brave in battle but, only wars to defined the state and home from outside enemies. She is the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture. She invented the bridle, which permitted man to tame horses, the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the rake, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot. She is the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity. She was Zeus's favorite child and was allowed to use his weapons including his thunderbolt. Her favorite city is Athens. Her tree is the olive. The owl is her bird. She is a virgin goddess.

COMENTARY: There is a relationship between the goddess Athena and Wisdom, and we also see the book of the Bible proverbs in chapters 1 through 9 described the way in Wisdom personified as a person. The book of romance, A CABIN, famous BEST-SELLER at one point also shows in the spiritual wisdom in the form of a woman. Athens is a female goddess. These comparisons show that elements with spiritual wisdom are treated as deities by the culture of the Greek pagan idolatry. For us Christians, wisdom is a divine gift that enables people to develop techniques and gears that move the progress of humanity.
Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Athena is the daughter of Zeus. She sprang full grown in armour from his forehead, thus has no mother. She is fierce and brave in battle but, only wars to defined the state and home from outside enemies. She is the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture. She invented the bridle, which permitted man to tame horses, the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the rake, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot. She is the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity. She was Zeus's favorite child and was allowed to use his weapons including his thunderbolt. Her favorite city is Athens. Her tree is the olive. The owl is her bird. She is a virgin goddess.
COMENTARY: There is a relationship between the goddess Athena and Wisdom, and we also see the book of the Bible proverbs in chapters 1 through 9 described the way in Wisdom personified as a person. The book of romance, A CABIN, famous BEST-SELLER at one point also shows in the spiritual wisdom in the form of a woman. Athens is a female goddess. These comparisons show that elements with spiritual wisdom are treated as deities by the culture of the Greek pagan idolatry. For us Christians, wisdom is a divine gift that enables people to develop techniques and gears that move the progress of humanity.
Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He was disliked by both parents. He is the god of war. He is considered murderous and bloodstained but, also a coward. When caught in an act of adultery with Aphrodite her husband Hephaestus is able publically ridicule him. His bird is the vulture. His animal is the dog.

COMMENT: Given that some legends have emerged from time immemorial in the history of humanity, I believe that the legend of Aris may have some relation to the biblical character of Cain, the son of Adam and Eve and that was bloody killing his brother Abel in a cowardly . His symbols are the scavengers of the earth and sky. The dog was once an animal that ate carrion, is now treated in Western culture as a family member, with all the luxuries that modern life can provide.
Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He was disliked by both parents. He is the god of war. He is considered murderous and bloodstained but, also a coward. When caught in an act of adultery with Aphrodite her husband Hephaestus is able publically ridicule him. His bird is the vulture. His animal is the dog.
COMMENT: Given that some legends have emerged from time immemorial in the history of humanity, I believe that the legend of Aris may have some relation to the biblical character of Cain, the son of Adam and Eve and that was bloody killing his brother Abel in a cowardly . His symbols are the scavengers of the earth and sky. The dog was once an animal that ate carrion, is now treated in Western culture as a family member, with all the luxuries that modern life can provide.
The principal deities of antiquity were:
ADRAMALEQUE (Sepharvaim)

ASER (Ugarit)
ASIMA (hamate)
Astaroth (Ugarit, FENÍCIA, ISRAEL, Moab, SHOOTING)
SEE Astarte Ashtoreth

Athtar (MOAB)
Enlil (Babylonian)

Baalzebub (Palestina)
Beelzebub (Palestina)
SEE-BERITE Beelzebub Baal-Berith
Castor and Pollux (GREECE)
Ereshkigal (Sumer)
Hatori (EGYPT)
Khnum-RE (EGYPT)
Ma'at (EGYPT)
Merodach - SEE Marduk (Babylonian)
MILCOM - SEE Melech, Molech
Melech, Molech
Khonsu (EGYPT)
NANNA (Sumer)
Ningal (BABYLON)
Rimmon (CANAAN)
Shamash (Babylonian)
Sihora (EGYPT)
Sotis (EGYPT)
Tammuz (Babylonian)
Teshub (Hittite)
ADRAMALEQUE (Sepharvaim)

ASER (Ugarit)
ASIMA (hamate)
Astaroth (Ugarit, FENÍCIA, ISRAEL, Moab, SHOOTING)
SEE Astarte Ashtoreth
Athtar (MOAB)
Enlil (Babylonian)
Baalzebub (Palestina)
Beelzebub (Palestina)
SEE-BERITE Beelzebub Baal-Berith
Castor and Pollux (GREECE)
Ereshkigal (Sumer)
Hatori (EGYPT)
Khnum-RE (EGYPT)
Ma'at (EGYPT)
Merodach - SEE Marduk (Babylonian)
MILCOM - SEE Melech, Molech
Melech, Molech
Khonsu (EGYPT)
NANNA (Sumer)
Ningal (BABYLON)
Rimmon (CANAAN)
Shamash (Babylonian)
Sihora (EGYPT)
Sotis (EGYPT)
Tammuz (Babylonian)
Teshub (Hittite)
Hebrew - God is anu prince. 2 Kings 17:31.
God's people Sepharvaim (Assyrian) where the Assyrian king brought many captives to colonize the cities of Samaria - Capital of Israel after the division of the kingdom, that Shalmaneser II, king of Assyria, brought to colonize the cities of Samaria, after have led to that country the inhabitants captive (2 Kings 17:31) says:
Samaria, which is also revered Anammelech

2 Kings 17:31 (King James Version)
"And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim."
"The Avites made Nibhaz and; the Sepharvites burnt their children in sacrifice to Adrammelech Anammelech and the gods of Hamath." (NIV).
This false god was adored with rites similar to those of Moloch, that is, with sacrifices of children.
The Avites was a primitive people of Canaan. He lived in camps, nomads, south of the lowland in the great western plains.
Hebrew - God is anu prince. 2 Kings 17:31.
God's people Sepharvaim (Assyrian) where the Assyrian king brought many captives to colonize the cities of Samaria - Capital of Israel after the division of the kingdom, that Shalmaneser II, king of Assyria, brought to colonize the cities of Samaria, after have led to that country the inhabitants captive (2 Kings 17:31) says:
Samaria, which is also revered Anammelech
2 Kings 17:31 (King James Version)
"And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim."
"The Avites made Nibhaz and; the Sepharvites burnt their children in sacrifice to Adrammelech Anammelech and the gods of Hamath." (NIV).
This false god was adored with rites similar to those of Moloch, that is, with sacrifices of children.
The Avites was a primitive people of Canaan. He lived in camps, nomads, south of the lowland in the great western plains.
Even today there are worshipers of the goddess Asherah, who claim that the God of the Bible, Yahweh, Asherah was married and that she betrayed him with the god Molech ... Unfortunately when Solomon gave to God, he worshiped this false goddess. She Solomon built the temple on high.
Asherah (from Hebrew אשרה), is a goddess of the Semitic pantheon and widely quoted in the Bible. Asherah, was also worshiped by the Canaanites and Phoenicians Babylonian, and these cultures known by the names:
Asterath, Astorate, Ashteroth, Astarte, Asherah, Baalat
As described in the Book of II Kings 23, the Goddess Asherah was worshiped in the Temple of Yahweh, when the people turned away from God.
The cult of the goddess Asherah worship with implied sex, where the worshipers had sex with the priestesses of the temple. The priestesses of Asherah were known to Qedeshim and in Scripture we find reference to this in Deuteronomy 23.18, which reads:

'Among the Israelis will not be sacred prostitute, [' Qedeshoth '], or sacred prostitute [' Qedeshim '] among the Israelites.
Asherah was worshiped in high places, where their priests to burn incense, as revealed in II Kings 23, 8.
The worship of Asherah and was celebrated under the trees, so-called "asherim" to be placed on the altar of their temples, or in high places. So this writing:
do not plant a sacred pole or tree next to an altar that may have made to God, neither lift stele, [column with inscriptions] because your God hates it
Deuteronomy 16:21.

In 1934, the British archaeologist James L. Starkey found the jar of Lachish, dated about the 13th century BCE, probably years 1220.O jar is decorated and contains rare inscriptions of ancient Semitic alphabet. The decoration is the design of a tree flanked by two goats with long horns behind, which, according to Ruth Hestrin, represents Asherah. An inscription that follows the edge of the jar has been reconstructed and translated by Frank M. Cross, as "Mattan. An offering to my lady 'Elat.
In the Bible we often see the people of Israel going out of true, and going after worship false gods as Asherah. These apostate Jews worshiped the true God Yahweh and Asherah, as if they were a couple of gods as the news shows below:
"In Khirbet el-Qom, west of Hebron in 1967, another archaeologist found a Jewish tomb of the second half of the eighth century (Discovery, 1993), with an inscription on the wall inside that Croatto (2001, p. 36) translates as "1. Urijahu [...] your inscrição.2. Urijahu Blessed be the Lord (lyhwh) 3. Asherah by its light, which keeps his hand on ele4. by its rpy, which ..."
drawings and inscriptions have been found and identified as pithos pithos A and B. The inscription of the pithos reads: "Say ... Tell Jehallel ... Josafa e. .. ": I bless you in YHWH of Samaria and his Asherah." In pithos B reads: "It Amarjahu: Tell my Lord, You okay?". I bless you in YHWH of Teman and his Asherah. He will bless you and keep you and my lord. "
Even today there are worshipers of the goddess Asherah, who claim that the God of the Bible, Yahweh, Asherah was married and that she betrayed him with the god Molech ... Unfortunately when Solomon gave to God, he worshiped this false goddess. She Solomon built the temple on high.
Asherah (from Hebrew אשרה), is a goddess of the Semitic pantheon and widely quoted in the Bible. Asherah, was also worshiped by the Canaanites and Phoenicians Babylonian, and these cultures known by the names:
Asterath, Astorate, Ashteroth, Astarte, Asherah, Baalat
As described in the Book of II Kings 23, the Goddess Asherah was worshiped in the Temple of Yahweh, when the people turned away from God.
The cult of the goddess Asherah worship with implied sex, where the worshipers had sex with the priestesses of the temple. The priestesses of Asherah were known to Qedeshim and in Scripture we find reference to this in Deuteronomy 23.18, which reads:
'Among the Israelis will not be sacred prostitute, [' Qedeshoth '], or sacred prostitute [' Qedeshim '] among the Israelites.
Asherah was worshiped in high places, where their priests to burn incense, as revealed in II Kings 23, 8.
The worship of Asherah and was celebrated under the trees, so-called "asherim" to be placed on the altar of their temples, or in high places. So this writing:
do not plant a sacred pole or tree next to an altar that may have made to God, neither lift stele, [column with inscriptions] because your God hates it
Deuteronomy 16:21.
In 1934, the British archaeologist James L. Starkey found the jar of Lachish, dated about the 13th century BCE, probably years 1220.O jar is decorated and contains rare inscriptions of ancient Semitic alphabet. The decoration is the design of a tree flanked by two goats with long horns behind, which, according to Ruth Hestrin, represents Asherah. An inscription that follows the edge of the jar has been reconstructed and translated by Frank M. Cross, as "Mattan. An offering to my lady 'Elat.
In the Bible we often see the people of Israel going out of true, and going after worship false gods as Asherah. These apostate Jews worshiped the true God Yahweh and Asherah, as if they were a couple of gods as the news shows below:
"In Khirbet el-Qom, west of Hebron in 1967, another archaeologist found a Jewish tomb of the second half of the eighth century (Discovery, 1993), with an inscription on the wall inside that Croatto (2001, p. 36) translates as "1. Urijahu [...] your inscrição.2. Urijahu Blessed be the Lord (lyhwh) 3. Asherah by its light, which keeps his hand on ele4. by its rpy, which ..."
drawings and inscriptions have been found and identified as pithos pithos A and B. The inscription of the pithos reads: "Say ... Tell Jehallel ... Josafa e. .. ": I bless you in YHWH of Samaria and his Asherah." In pithos B reads: "It Amarjahu: Tell my Lord, You okay?". I bless you in YHWH of Teman and his Asherah. He will bless you and keep you and my lord. "
Mythological beings, brothers of the Titans, son of Uranus and GEA were giants and had one eye on the forehead, were very agile and strong and so were feared by the men of old, seem to have resemblance with the Nephilim mentioned in the Bible and have existed in the antediluvian period. (By theologien Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
* Adad - as Hadad
* Adar / Atar / Bar / en-ge / Ninib / Nin-lil / Uras - god of thunder and lightning, the son of Mul-lil
* Agu / Aku - moon god
* Akhkhazu - demonia's disease, a trinity
* Ana / Anat / Anath / Anu - the supreme god of the sky son of Nammu
* Anshar - god father of heaven
* Arazu - god craft, created by Ea
* Ashirat - goddess of the Evening Star
* Ashratum - Asherah
* Aya / Aah / Aa - Dawn / goddess of the sea, the sun goddess, consort of Shamash
* Bau - goddess of the dark waters, the mother of Ea, Anu's wife
* Belile - female counterpart of Belial goddess of the underworld

* Erra - god of war /
* Gula - goddess of the earth mother
* Humbaba - giant stores
* Ilumarru - as Mesopotamian Adad
* ISiNu - messenger god, two faces
* Kishar / Ki - mother earth
* Labartu - demonia's disease, a threesome
* Labasu - demonia's disease, a threesome
* Labbu - cosmic serpent
* Lakhamu / Lahamu - monster primary
* Lakhmu / Lahmu - monster primary
* Mummu - god of mists
* Ninegal - lesser god
* Nin-Ib - god of spring, the morning sun, appears as an eagle
* Ninsu-Utud - goddess of healing
* Nintud - Earth / goddess of childbirth
* Ninsubur - messenger - possibly the same as Ninurta
* Papsukkal - The minister of the gods, god messenger
* Shamash - god of the sun and of justice; same Utu, also guessing / god of prophecy
* Sin / Suen - the moon god, Nanna Sumerian as
* Tuma'el - Prince demon head jacal
* Adad - as Hadad
* Adar / Atar / Bar / en-ge / Ninib / Nin-lil / Uras - god of thunder and lightning, the son of Mul-lil
* Agu / Aku - moon god
* Akhkhazu - demonia's disease, a trinity
* Ana / Anat / Anath / Anu - the supreme god of the sky son of Nammu
* Anshar - god father of heaven
* Arazu - god craft, created by Ea
* Ashirat - goddess of the Evening Star
* Ashratum - Asherah
* Aya / Aah / Aa - Dawn / goddess of the sea, the sun goddess, consort of Shamash
* Bau - goddess of the dark waters, the mother of Ea, Anu's wife
* Belile - female counterpart of Belial goddess of the underworld
* Erra - god of war /
* Gula - goddess of the earth mother
* Humbaba - giant stores
* Ilumarru - as Mesopotamian Adad
* ISiNu - messenger god, two faces
* Kishar / Ki - mother earth
* Labartu - demonia's disease, a threesome
* Labasu - demonia's disease, a threesome
* Labbu - cosmic serpent
* Lakhamu / Lahamu - monster primary
* Lakhmu / Lahmu - monster primary
* Mummu - god of mists
* Ninegal - lesser god
* Nin-Ib - god of spring, the morning sun, appears as an eagle
* Ninsu-Utud - goddess of healing
* Nintud - Earth / goddess of childbirth
* Ninsubur - messenger - possibly the same as Ninurta
* Papsukkal - The minister of the gods, god messenger
* Shamash - god of the sun and of justice; same Utu, also guessing / god of prophecy
* Sin / Suen - the moon god, Nanna Sumerian as
* Tuma'el - Prince demon head jacal
Hermes Mercurio. El de los pies ligeros.Mensajero Veloz
The information below I took from the site:
• One of the sons of Zeus was Hermes, son of the Greek Maia, was considered the messenger of the gods and so was naturally thought to be very swift.
• Mercury has been known since at least the time of the Sumerians (3rd millennium BC).
• It was given two names by the Greeks: Apollo for its apparition as a morning star and Hermes as an evening star; however, Greek astronomers knew that the two names referred to the same body.
• Heraclitus even believed that Mercury and Venus orbit the Sun, not the Earth.
• Hermes is usually pictured with wings on his sandals and on his cap and he was also the god of commerce, cunning, and invention.
• In ancient times, messages from one ruler to another or between armies were carried by “heralds” who had to be treated with respect and were not to be harmed.
• These heralds carried a special staff as the sign of their position and this was called a “caduceus” and Hermes carried such a staff.
• Supposedly because Hermes moved so quickly, the staff, as well as his cap and sandals, had wings.
• Of all the planets in our solar system, the one that moves most quickly against the background of the stars was naturally named after the swift-footed Hermes and the Romans identified their own god of commerce, Mercury, with Hermes, and so we know the planet as Mercury.
• Hermes, or Mercury, was the patron of travellers, merchants (deity of commerce), rogues, and thieves; as well as being the Roman wind deity.
• He also escorted the souls of the departed to Hades; and as that character, he was called Psychopompus and under the name of Oneicopompus, he was regarded as the lord of dreams and visions.
• His festival was celebrated on May 15, at which time merchants sprinkled themselves and their wares with holy water to insure large profits.
• Mercury is the source of words such as market, merchandise, merchant, and merciful.
• Lord of Wednesday.
• In astro-mythology, the messenger, being the intermediary between the four elements, air, earth, fire, water, and the phenomena produced by them.
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by Alan G. Hefner
The antiquity of the worship of the god or gods of Baal extends back to the 14th century BCE among the ancient Semitic peoples, the descendants of Shem, the oldest son of Biblical Noah. Semitic is more of a linguistic classification than a racial one. Thus, people speaking the same or similar languages first worshiped Baal in his many forms. The word Baal means "master" or "owner". In ancient religions the name denoted sun, lord or god. Baal was common a name of small Syrian and Persian deities. Baal is still principally thought of as a Canaanite fertility deity. The Great Baal was of Canaan. He was the son of El, the high god of Canaan. The cult of Baal celebrated annually his death and resurrection as a part of the Canaanite fertility rituals. These ceremonies often included human sacrifice and temple prostitution.
The text following was copied from the website:
Among all the multitude of Egyptian deities, the Egypt god Amon-Re was considered to be the king of the gods. While most Egyptian gods were 'born' at various points in the history of the Egyptian nation and many floated in and out of popularity, the Egypt god Amon-Re appears to have been present in the mythology and culture of the Egyptian people almost from the very inception of this complex and mysterious nation.
Originally, the Egypt god Amon-Re was known only as Amon, or Amen and sometimes Amun. Amon was often associated with such symbols as the ram, the goose and the bull.
The text following was copied from the website:
10 de maio de 2010 — Sun worship was exceptionally prevalent in ancient Egyptian religion. The earliest deities associated with the sun are Wadjet, Sekhmet, Hathor, Nut, Bast, Bat, and Menhit. First Hathor, and then Isis, give birth to and nurse Horus and Ra.
The Sun's movement across the sky represents a struggle between the Pharaoh's soul and an avatar of Osiris. The "solarisation" of several local gods (Hnum-Re, Min-Re, Amon-Re) reaches its peak in the period of the fifth dynasty.
Among all the multitude of Egyptian deities, the Egypt god Amon-Re was considered to be the king of the gods. While most Egyptian gods were 'born' at various points in the history of the Egyptian nation and many floated in and out of popularity, the Egypt god Amon-Re appears to have been present in the mythology and culture of the Egyptian people almost from the very inception of this complex and mysterious nation.
Originally, the Egypt god Amon-Re was known only as Amon, or Amen and sometimes Amun. Amon was often associated with such symbols as the ram, the goose and the bull.
The text following was copied from the website:
10 de maio de 2010 — Sun worship was exceptionally prevalent in ancient Egyptian religion. The earliest deities associated with the sun are Wadjet, Sekhmet, Hathor, Nut, Bast, Bat, and Menhit. First Hathor, and then Isis, give birth to and nurse Horus and Ra.
The Sun's movement across the sky represents a struggle between the Pharaoh's soul and an avatar of Osiris. The "solarisation" of several local gods (Hnum-Re, Min-Re, Amon-Re) reaches its peak in the period of the fifth dynasty.
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