COMENTARY: In mythology we see traces of spiritual truths. Zeus is the Greek deity that most closely resembles the true and living God. Especially on the topic that represents him as the God of Justice and Mercy, because that is how the Bible presents God Yahweh.
Hay un solo Dios, Yahveh, el Padre, el Creador, el Señor, pero durante su existencia la humanidad adoraba a muchos seres, imaginarios, demoniacos, y producto de su imaginación. Aquí, en este blog, yo cataloque estos "dioses falsos".
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods. Zeus overthew his Father Cronus. He then drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Zeus won the draw and became the supreme ruler of the gods. He is lord of the sky, the rain god. His weapon is a thunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him. He is married to Hera but, is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.He was the rain god, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the terrible thunderbolt. His breastplate was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree the oak. He is represented as the god of justice and mercy, the protector of the weak, and the punisher of the wicked.

COMENTARY: In mythology we see traces of spiritual truths. Zeus is the Greek deity that most closely resembles the true and living God. Especially on the topic that represents him as the God of Justice and Mercy, because that is how the Bible presents God Yahweh.
COMENTARY: In mythology we see traces of spiritual truths. Zeus is the Greek deity that most closely resembles the true and living God. Especially on the topic that represents him as the God of Justice and Mercy, because that is how the Bible presents God Yahweh.
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